*So happy to report that it WORKED and you are now able to view previous episodes for up to one month. Information and links below!!!!*
Hi Downton Abbey Fans!
I know everyone is excited about the new season starting September 22, 2013 at 9pm in the UK! After last years disappointing season, I know we are all anxious for a bit of happiness, right? Hopefully, nobody will die this season. That would be amazing. What do you think will happen?!
If you started following my posts last year for Season 3 from this post, thanks so much for sticking around with me this last year! I have received MANY requests and dare I say a plea or two to share if and HOW I plan on sharing Season 4. Last season, I did no more than provide a place where you could find all of the links in one place. The videos are not hosted by my blog and I have no control over them.
I have no ethical issue watching this show through legal internet means. People in the UK are able to watch the shows after they air in the same way that we can watch them on PBS here in the U.S. after they air. Because of the internet, the rules change in a big way. The way I view it, people in the UK are watching them legally online, therefore I should be able to, even if an ocean away. I, personally, pay for all of my music and movies legally and never attempt to break the law. I see the attempt to keep this out of our hands, a way to make more money and put pretend barriers up for the U.S. from the UK. What? Craziness.
ANYWAY, you guys really just want to know how to watch, right?
**PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be patient with each option. Not every option will work for every person simply because of your specific computer/setup. Try each option more than once until you find one that works!**
How to watch in the U.S. (5 options!):
OPTION 1: This option includes any extra videos and behind the scenes option on ITV!
*Update* I changed the information below to a step-by-step process once I watched the first episode all the way through!
Here’s what you need to do to get Downton Abbey to play on your PC:
1. Download Tunnel Bear here. You will need to pay the $4.99/month to get enough data for the season. No biggie in the long run! Tunnel Bear is a VPN (Virtual Private Network) which changing your IP address to reflect that of someone in the UK.
2. Confirm Tunnel Bear by e-mail.
3. Once you are signed in to Tunnel Bear, turn the knob you see to “on”. It will say “connected”.
4. Now, set the country option to “United Kingdom”. Your computer will now be compatible with the region showing Downton Abbey.
5. Go to http://www.itv.com/itv/
You’ll need a postal code to access the ITV player on the website. Use any of the ones on this list. If one doesn’t work, try another.
6. To watch the shows already aired Season 4 episodes, go to the ITV website’s Downton Abbey page:
To watch the show live as it airs in the UK at 1pm Pacific Standard Time, go here to watch the live streaming ITV player:
6. Make sure you turn Tunnel Bear to “off” when not watching Downton as you want your computer to know which country it is really in. :)
7. Hopefully, you’re smiling and watching Downton! If not, “like” and check my facebook page here for loads of questions answered, as well as the comments below.
1. Download this firefox add-on Media Hint here (great success and safe!!) or this VPN from here to give you a UK IP address to access UK shows instantly.
2. Go back and follow steps 5-7
Watch by clicking below in the questionably legal way click here from Watch TV Series:

Option 4:
Some previous links are available from the ITV website but you obviously have to have the ability to watch the player using options 1 or 2 above. ;)
Option 5: Download this ITV player automator here. I tried it and it worked.
In the meantime…
Support your local PBS station here in the U.S. who provides shows like Downton.
Share your favorite characters and scenes in the comments below!! What’s going to happen?!
Amazon has all three previous seasons on Instant Video so catch up on Season 1, Season 2, and Season 3 here.
Watch the trailer for Season 4 here as well as a behind-the-scenes teaser here.
Check out some fun posts like this one from Downton Abbey Addicts, listing all of the new characters this season.
If you decide to wait for the U.S. air date, have fun waiting until:
January 5th, 2014 !!! Crazy!
For more of my own Downton Abbey-era blog posts, read below! See you back soon! Sorry for the excessive exclamation marks. I’m excited.

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Also, check out my other Downton Abbey related posts:

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