Sometimes it’s just nice to escape cleaning your room and doing your math worksheet to just enjoy what nature has to offer. God has given us so many awesome, intricate, hilarious, and inspiring animals to look at in this world. At Sea World San Diego, homeschoolers are very welcome. They give us a special day, a few times a year, to roam around for $6 (amazing!) and soak in the wonders. I’m so thankful for opportunities like this for my kiddos…and I kinda have fun too. Check the site to see if they offer it in your area and check here for San Diego dates and info! You’ll love it!
This time, we had a little foster girl with us who ended up staying with us for a month. Seeing her face light up with all of her new discoveries was amazing. It was a little rough to take all 4 by myself, considering this sweet little girl knows no boundaries, but I’m glad I took her. One of my favorite moments was when she stood eye to eye with a dolphin after a lady showed her how she calls the dolphins over. Apparently, this lady is a frequent visitor of these mammals so they recognize her.
So sweet.


We love Nutella.
We love hearts.
We love pop-tarts.
Now, they have been brought together as one. It’s a good day.
I’ve made Nutella pop-tarts before here, but the heart really gives it that sweet touch (sweet tasting and also sweet looking…har har).
Nutella Heart Pop-tarts
1 recipe for pie crust dough or a prepared pie crust, split in 2
1 egg, beaten
crystallized sugar for sprinkling
Heart-shaped cookie cutter
Roll one part of the pie dough out until it’s 1/4 inch thick. Cut the heart shapes out and then place them on a cookie sheet. They need to be far enough away to allow for you to seal the edges with a fork. They won’t rise much so you don’t need to worry about allowing spacing for that. Spread the filling over the hearts , leaving 1/4 space on the edges for sealing. Place an additional heart over the heart with the filling on it. Then, seal the edges all the way around with a fork. Brush the hearts with the beaten egg and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 10-15 minutes or until brown. The time will depend on the size of the hearts.
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This year, I got to participate in a handmade valentine swap. Super fun, right? It’s nice to know handmade is still alive and well in the world!
For my valentine, I really didn’t have very much time. I know that is said a lot, but things changed for us a few weeks ago. We took our very first older child placement in a few weeks ago. She is 4. It has been a pretty rough few weeks for all 5 of us. This valentine would not have been on my radar had I not already signed up to send them to people before we got placed with this little girl. I didn’t want to leave the ladies hanging who had signed up to swap with me. That’s all to say, most of us probably have things going on right now that keep us from following our hearts desire of making handmade valentines.
So….I created this DIY Valentine’s garland to fill that last-minute-need-to-create void!

First, print the Valentine’s garland from last year right HERE. Cut out all of the hearts and even some white ones if you desire to make a longer one. I used 4 hearts, but you can include as many hearts as you want as long as you remember to increase the postage.

I cut out a few pieces of cardboard, in haste. However, small pieces of wood would be perfect. I wrapped some long pieces of tape around the cardboard so the person could take off whatever they need to hang up the garland and also to adhere the string to the back of the garland. Cut a 1 yard long piece of twine, fold it up, and hold it together with a piece of washi tape. Write a little handmade note and put it in an envelope! A cute little printed paper bag like you can find in my friend Ana’s shop would be perfect, along with some of her heart stickers and mini clothespins!

Print, Assemble, and Give!

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Apparently, I’m ready for bright, happy colors again, according to this board! Le Creuset has a new color for their amazing dishes…QUINCE. It’s a perfectly balanced hue of yellow which I find very hard to resist. I can’t wait to thumb through Deb‘s cookbook, as I am a huge fan of her incredible blog. That candle. That Anthro mug. Adorable. Anna’s Rifle Paper Company work is always amazing and these recipe cards are no exception. I’ve been blown away by some great floral prints out there, including the Steven Alan one above. SO dreamy.
Has anything caught your eye lately? I want to know!
If you liked what you see, stick around and find me on:
F a c e b o o k // T w i t t e r // P i n t e r e s t // I n s t a g r a m // E m a i l

Doesn’t this “Salty Honey Pie” look amazing?
I want to make it right now, but it’s 9pm.
I know, I still could but I’m pretty sure I don’t have enough eggs.
Man, those backyard chickens would sure be awesome right now…
For more yummy food inspiration, check out my dessert board on Pinterest.
If you liked what you see, stick around and find me on:
F a c e b o o k // T w i t t e r // P i n t e r e s t // I n s t a g r a m // E m a i l