I love color, don’t you?
Maybe my love for it came from growing up in a house with walls painted entirely in one color…”Navajo White”. Maybe it’s just because color brings joy and peace to an otherwise loud and crazy household, which includes a fighter pilot, Peter Pan, and Fancy Nancy running around fighting pirates. Whatever the reason, color can make a huge difference in my day. Yes, this is totally why my entryway buffet table is painted a very cheery yellow. I see it, smile, and thank God he gave us eyes to see the lovely things around us.
I must confess I am one of THOSE people who is trying to eliminate food dyes wherever possible. So, we are left to play around with the colors God gives us in nature. Some we can find in our yard, some are in our spice cabinet, while some are even in our morning cuppa’ joe. Besides being better for our bodies, natural dyes are a really fun way of explaining how people colored their clothing and draperies long ago, before true chemistry arrived on the scene to create red dye #40. I love being able to describe things to my kids, like the curtains and veil in Solomon’s temple, and talk with them about how God’s people could have attained “blue and purple and scarlet yarns” (Exodus 26) using plants. Pomegranates, grapes, beets, carrots…oh…wait…we can use the same things they did to make dyes? The kids thought that was pretty awesome.
Enter: Easter eggs

We boiled several different things in water. The cabbage (1/2 head), red onion skins (3 onions), spinach (1 bag), and turmeric root (several tablespoons) all boiled individually, while the carrots and paprika (lb of carrots and a few tablespoons of paprika) were in the same pot. You should know, boiled cabbage is one of the worst smells. Ack. It’s pretty bad. For the coffee I use 2 Starbucks VIA packets so the color would be dark. I’m sure you could use a few shots of espresso as well. The pomegranate juice was straight from the bottle. The beets I chopped and let soak in water. Those guys live for staining things so it won’t take long for the water to turn blood-red.

Fill jars with enough of each liquid to cover the egg (s), but not too much that it overflows. Add vinegar to the liquids to encourage the color to bind to the shell. I tried the cabbage and pomegranate juice with and without vinegar. The pom worked fine without vinegar. With vinegar, it ended up bubbling around the egg and turning a brownish color. It does look kind-of cool, especially for my littlest who loves brown.
I labeled them with washi tape (why not?) so I could keep track of how long each had been in the dye. I left mine in for about 18 hours. It definitely requires more patience from the kids, but it’s worth it. My times are very spread out on my markings because I was working with children :) My fridge pretty much looked like a big science experiment, which is fabulous considering we do have a school here.
Here’s what we tried and the results:

If you want to take the process a step further with designs, try this option. They look pretty cool. I think I’ll do that next year or even these with vintage graphics.
Overall, I’m super excited about what we learned during the process. God makes some really amazing and vivid colors for us to work with. He certainly knows how to capture our attention and remind us how awesome He is!
Which colors do you respond to?

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F a c e b o o k // T w i t t e r // P i n t e r e s t // I n s t a g r a m // E m a i l
Spending time with my kids alone is really important to me. Faith and I got to spend a much needed day together when Ed took the boys camping until the next day (we lost a day because there was snow in the mountains and it was apparently too cold for tent camping. whatever). We had so much fun together doing whatever we wanted and it was so nice to wake up in our own house without those crazy boy noises. I’m so glad she was up for it after what happened a few weeks ago.
We ate:
Extraordinary Desserts Lunch
(cheese tray, house-made kettle chips and caramelized onion
dip, blackberry lemonade)
Cereal for dinner
ice cream for dessert
Craft & Commerce Brunch
(chicken and waffles for me, smoked salmon plate for her…a fav)
farmer’s market samples
We went:
Becka Automotive to fix our car
thrift store to pass time
Point Loma Lighthouse
The Shine Project‘s beach clean-up
Little Italy farmer’s market (got some awesome spring onion and leeks)
Bottlecraft for some fresh IPA’s and a few other random beers
The French Garden Shoppe for some wood conditioner for my chopping block and spoons
The art gallery of Jacqueline Lavenu for a lovely peek at her work and some excellent conversation. Faith got to see her studio and creative space :)
Architectural Salvage to see the always smiling face of Enrique and to score a few treasures.
Target for some candy and some summer kid’s tanks while they were $5.
We listened:
The Parent Trap…one of her favorite movies apparently. She’s getting so big :/
The Hunger Games soundtrack with our fav Safe & Sound. I’m EXTREMELY disappointed the soundtrack wasn’t in the movie at ALL…not one song. Lame.
So thankful to have time with all of my kids alone before they grow up and forget how much Mom loves them.

On a Saturday when my husband is traveling, you will almost always find me with my 3 kids, my Mom or a friend, a chocolate glazed/chocolate cake/chocolate sprinkle donut from the donut shop by my parents house, and a Starbucks Non-fat Venti iced caramel Machiatto. This system works pretty well for kiddo happiness as we usually end up stopping at an undetermined amount of places. I pack oranges, raisins, water, books for kids (we voluntarily choose to not have a TV in the car but I’m sure that makes it easier for some), and an eagerness for garage sale awesomeness. My Mom and I take turns running in and checking stuff out with one of the kids (although my Mom will kindly let me go in by myself. wahoo!). The kids hope to come away with random hot wheel cars, old books, games, and occasionally something like a hot water bottle with a red knit cover and white heart (my sweet baby girl’s choice that was quite adorable).
Doesn’t that sound like a great Saturday morning?
I love hunting for those special things!! I have searched years for things and finally found them which is am awesome feeling :)
What I look for:
- Things that are understated but could easily be modified into something beautiful or even valuable.
- Items that appear to have been made with much love and attention (e.g. someones old embroidery or art work).
- Low cost but high value to me (old frames and books which I already have a ton of)
- globes, crates, maps, and Pyrex
- Any game we might not already have.
- Brooches and jewelry (mostly 40s and 50s)
- vintage fabric for sewing or wearing :)
- large pieces of vintage furniture, even if it needs to be stained or painted into 2012. I scored a set of Art Deco “waterfall” style furniture for our bedroom which I got an amazing price on. I didn’t have to do thing to them :)
Currently, at the top of my list is:
- a record player so I can play all of my amazing records I’ve had for 15 years. In the past I had used the player at my parents house.
- a wok…I was telling my mom this was on my list and she said she gave hers away…bummer!
- school-house desks. I have just missed 2 on Craigslist. Arg!
- Marquis letters
Where I look:
- Estate sales/garage sales
- large rummage sales
- Craigslist
- second-hand shops
- thrift stores
Sometimes I find nothing or only one thing. I enjoy the process and the adventure of it all. I think I got that from my Mom. Our Thrift stores in San Diego are HORRIBLE. If you’ve ever been thrifting in other cities and then ours you will know what I mean. If I ever find something I want in a thrift store, it is often broken-ish, over-priced (marked collectible or antique), or not exactly what I want. I love to hunt for items but I try not to stretch my desire for something because it’s in front of my face. I have no problem turning to Etsy for an often lower price for EXACTLY what I want.
I haven’t had friends who enjoy estate/ garage/ rummage shopping until very recently. This has always been a part of my life that I didn’t share, but I’m excited to do it now :) My friend Erin and I have a similar eye for these kinds of vintage items, so it’s fun to finally share it with someone. This isn’t a trend for these 2 girls :) That being said, it is never too late to start. I’ve seen vintage items popping up in many of my friend’s homes and it’s so exciting to see so many wonderful things being loved and given new life.
Every week I want to share some of my favorite things I have found and I’d like to see yours too. So, just put your link to your blog post or a Flickr photo in the comment section below.
A few of my recent treasures:

Vintage shoes from Paris: $20 (splurge for the day)

Ridiculously awesome gnome book which I’ve been wanting: $3

Vintage Grey Shoes: $4

Original oil painting, framed: $8

Original oil painting, framed:$12
What did you score lately? Share below…
I’m linking with Mandy over at Harper’s Happenings:

Happy Birthday, Jack!
God is teaching us so much about His character through your innumerable questions, hilarious comments, and make-believe stories.
Please stay only 5 for as long as you possibly can.
Thank you so much.
Love, M & D
… … … … … … … … …
This week I enjoyed seeing God through my kid’s eyes. This guy is an amazing little man who noticed the very smallest of creatures and finds them interesting and important. If only we could go through life with the peace and carefree attitude that our kiddos have.
If only.

I just let myself write freely and completely uninhibited. I wanted to write the story down for Faith to have in the future before too many years pass and it gets exaggerated :) There are a few of my health care frustrations mentioned, although…I was pretty gentle :) I wrote this right after it happened and I already feel better. Mostly, I’m thankful for God’s protection over our sweet girl. I’m also thankful for helmets!
I’m sure ER visits are perfectly normal for some people, but not for us. We took only our second trip this week (first was for an asthma issue a few years ago) and it really stunk. All kinds of things go through your head when an emergency happens and they are not usually happy. I am very much a calm person when it comes to emergencies. I can usually always think clearly and act quickly. When our car was burning up on the side of the road, I called my husband and said something like, “Yeah. So our car is burning up on the side of the road. Yup. Just burning to the ground with our stuff in it”. No big deal. When my then 2 1/2-year-old decided it would be fun to swallow a rock. I was kind-of freaking out inside when he was turning purple and not breathing, but I did the Heimlich. Rock out. The End. So, when our full-size basketball hoop fell on Miss F on Sunday afternoon, I think I was as ready as I could be or was I?
I was inside but heard my husband saying, “Oh, man. Oh, man. Oh, man.” This usually means either something really gross, stinky, or just out of his comfort zone. I was definitely not prepared to see flesh hanging down the side of my daughter’s chin. It was pretty gnarly. My first thought is to stop the bleeding. When I told her I had to stop the bleeding, she wiped her hand on both sides of her face like she didn’t know what I was talking about. She didn’t know she was bleeding. This is bad. She’s in shock. She kept telling me her nose and forehead hurt. I put a rag on her face and decide to go immediately to the ER. I knew she’d need stitches no matter what, so I figured we’d settle the whole head injury side of things there. As soon as I took her upstairs, she went as pale as I’ve ever seen one of my children go and she shut her eyes and started going limp. It was all so fast. It felt like one of those moments in a movie when you know the person will have to make a decision on what to do next. Thankfully, it was made for me. She responded to my rousing her gently and I called for my husband and we headed to the ER. He doesn’t respond quite as well to emergencies, but we make a good team in the end.
She tried to fall asleep the whole way. When we got there, if she wasn’t falling asleep, she was staring into nothingness. She was as unresponsive as I’ve ever seen her. So scary. We got called back pretty quick thanks to a friend who works there who made a call to the charge nurse. I don’t feel badly about this considering the fact that SO many of the people who use our local ER s have no insurance whatsoever and I am in fact paying for their medical care with my tax dollars. It’s not a matter of being better, it’s simply the fact that this was 1 of 2 trips to use this facility in 7 years of being parents and I paid for the right to use it in an emergency. Just my personal opinion. Anyway, she started to perk up a bit and answered some questions. It would seem that no matter what she’s gone through, she loves to tell a good story. Everyone was pretty nice, although busy with others, including the guy a few beds over from the local prison who was apparently dying. What a contrast to a little girl with a medium level scooter-ing injury, huh?
They ordered a CT scan since she had a nose bleed and injuries to her face and forehead. I immediately thought about the 15 airport scanners I had managed to avoid the last few months and how all of that same radiation would go into her poor little body. SO, I did what I’m not very good at and I trusted a medical professional. I had to go in the room with her, lead vest and all (again thinking about those airport scanners) but who could leave a little 6-year-old alone to stare at scary red beams of light and listen to random beeping. Not this Mom. A long time later, the results came back and they found fluid in her inner ear, nasal passages. They apparently can’t tell whether it’s blood or spinal fluid so they simply opt to wait to see if she shows any more symptoms (i.e seizures :/) and they consulted a child specialist to read the scan. In the meantime, since this ER is not able to treat children, we got transferred to our local Children’s Hospital. Policy doesn’t allow for me to drive her there so they thought it would be best for me to pay someone to drive us…by ambulance. Very thoughtful. They make you feel like a bad parent for even suggesting that you could drive your child…like you had just done to get her there in the first place. Silly Mom. My negative feelings towards our healthcare system did resurface on this trip…oh yes. Also, that ambulance ride was the single thing on this little adventure that freaked my baby girl out the most. Deep breath, Mom.
Let me just say, if you have a children’s ER…go right there if you can. It will save time, money, and the patience of your child for the hospital process. Just something I just learned this week. They were SOOO nice at our Rady Children’s Hospital. I can’t believe those amazing people can witness sick and injured children every day and still be so friendly. I guess that’s one good reason to have an ER just for kids. Once there, we had to wait for the results of her CT scan to be read by a children’s specialist. This took hours. She threw up…not good. In the meantime, I pulled up a movie on Netflix to keep her distracted, my husband (who had been able to come right as we transferred hospitals) read her some books, and we tried to get her to stay awake until they could do her many many stitches. I know they have reasons for doing these things in a certain order, but I didn’t quite understand why they couldn’t do her stitches earlier. They said something about maybe needing to sedate her and that the gas can’t be used if they don’t know the status of her head injury. Maybe I’m too simplistic, but it seems to me you one could cross the sedation bridge when you come to it and give the old-fashioned stitches a shot before the patient is even more exhausted, upset, and MORE likely to need sedation? Crazy Mom.
Most Dr’s, in my experience, seem to think less information to the patient is best. The Dr. thought it best to not tell Faith the process of stitches. I’m sure that’s a good plan for most kids, but to a girl like Faith, it’s the worst thing you can do. She likes to know what to expect and what “the plan” is. Faith started crying before she began and then sat straight up (as fast as I’d seen her move since the fall) and shouted, “I just want to know what you’re gonna do to me!!”. Fair question. After that, we were able to calm her down and the Dr. started on the sewing. Kinda funny that when we first got to the ER, I asked the nurse if she was going to need any stitches (seeking confirmation of what I knew to be true). He said, “I’m not really sure. We’ll have to wait and see.” I love the kind of policy where you get as little info a possible. It’s enough to make a person feel comfortable and trusting.
20+ stitches.
I lost count.
We have no conclusion on what kind of fluid was in her scan, but they said as long as her symptoms remained the same and she didn’t get worse, she could go home.
Discharged at 1AM
At home, she was more chipper. Probably the apple juice she drank, but it made my heart glad. That meant she was going to be ok.
We are so thankful God protected our sweet girl that day. We are so thankful she was wearing her helmet.
I’m so glad I am THAT mean mom who makes my kids wear helmets under all circumstances…even in our driveway. Please try to be a mean mom too sometimes. It’s important…even if it’s an unpopular concept with your friends.
A week later she seems perfectly normal with a few scrapes on her chin. I keep telling her how unbelievably fast God is healing her and she keeps saying she doesn’t want to talk about what happened. I get that. Kids are so resilient and my sweet girl is the proof. They heal ridiculously fast! I would never have thought she would be running around like a normal kid today.
p.s. I let her have a few bowls of much-deserved ice cream :)
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