Just a little of what’s happening before the winter plantings. I had fun this year with the garden and at the same time I had the most pests, especially the 2 year-old kind. This was the year with the most expansion and I’m excited to plant more trees next spring! There have been so many people interested in gardening this year which is fun for me. I like to send people home with food whenever they come. I’m glad to have enough now to do that. This is the start of our 4th year in this house (crazy!) so the trees I rushed out to plant then are just now starting to produce. Wahoo!
If you are interested in starting a garden, just go do it. I started with 4 planter boxes, made by my husband, and expanded into my yard the next year. Although the boxes didn’t produce enough to share, I really enjoyed everything I learned during that time and recommend them for starting. I still use mine for my root veggies and to start my plants. I still remember how excited i was to bring my sparse but cute “harvest” in to cook with. Fun times. You have to start somewhere!
Here are the past garden pictures as well:

The curry plant is looking beautiful this time of year.

Just planted some peas a few months ago and they are coming in nicely. Oh wait, they were until the bugs got 1/2 of them.

It’s raspberry season! Even though the stores seem to carry them at the beginning of summer and they are draped across fourth of July desserts, now is their time to shine in the garden.

One pickin’ from our plant. These vines were never put back in the ground after we had taken it out to replace a piece of our fence. It didn’t grow much because of these but it still making a lot of berries right now.

Speaking of berries, our blackberries are on their way to 2012 awesomeness. They are going into their 4th year now and I’m finally getting the hang of it. If I train them now, I will get ridiculous amounts next year. Good deal. So, every few weeks I keep weaving the vines along the fence.

I planted 2 plum trees, Satsuma and Santa Rosa, this last spring and they are growing up too.

My middle guy planted watermelons just because and here is a baby one.

This pear tree is coming into its third year and is finally making pears

My persnickety mango tree that was here when we moved in finally decided to actually make some mangos. Sheesh. You give a tree some water and some love and how does it repay you…

We are getting a lot of apples this year which is sooo nice. These ones are on the other side of our fence which means my little unripe fruit snatcher can’t get to them.

The meyer lemons are turning colors soon. I’m gonna have fun with these fellas!

The kids and some friends planted lettuce and spinach in our front porch pots in August and they seemed quite happy there. Unfortunately, the next day some caterpillars moved in…I’m just keepin’ it real.

I love the passion fruit flower so much. More than that, I love passion fruit. It is one of my favorite flavors. It was one of the very first things I planted in hopes of getting many delicious fruits a few years later. Turns out, it was mis-labeled and is actually the non-fruiting version. Ugh. It’s pretty though.

The french tarragon is happy and I’m enjoying it before it goes dormant.

Fresh marjoram has been fun to have around as well. It has a very unique smell…much different than the dried kind.

Egyptian mint.

Another planting by my little buddy, a pumpkin this time.

A late season to tomato volunteer that is ready to go!
It’s Fall and also October as far as the calendar goes, but it could not be further from cool and scarf-worthy here. That will not keep me from enticing it with spices my kitchen and soup on my stove. I made this recipe from good-looking seasonal veggies from my fridge and tons of garlic. It was perfect for a quiet Sunday evening at home after a long week. It was good for the soul. Check out the playlist at the bottom of the page for this recipe :) I’ll try to add that when I think of it.

I love my Grandma’s dishes with this soup. I think she would have liked this soup, too.

Go out and find yourself some great looking tomatoes…organic heirloom if you can. The reason I get that specific kind is not because it sounds cool…even though it kinda does. The heirloom varieties are grown from seeds that are from an old variety of tomato plant which hasn’t been altered by cross-pollination or hybridization. Basically, the person who saved the seeds for future plants saved them in a way (involves covering the tomato blossoms to prevent cross-pollination) where they were not changed. They are pure, which I love.

Toss the tomatoes with some olive oil, salt, and pepper, to taste.

Do the same to the fennel, onions, and garlic. Roast them both in the oven at 400 degrees for 30-40 minutes, or until browned.

While you’re cleaning, beware of battle-scenes. You never know when they might happen.

After they are finished roasting, pour both pans of food in the blender and puree. I poured about a cup of vegetable stock in to thin it a bit. That’s it. I didn’t even have to season with extra salt and pepper or add any herbs. When the vegetables roast, they create their own rich flavor from the slight caramelization. The cool thing is that you won’t have to add any cream. making this a vegan dish if you leave out the creme fraiche. Maybe that’s not cool to you, but I have some friends who will think it’s cool. Plus, I think it’s cool.
Roasted Fennel and Heirloom Tomato Soup
5 pounds of tomatoes, chopped in large chunks
4 large pieces of fennel, sliced
2 stalks of celery, chopped
2 red onions, chopped in large chunks
10 cloves of garlic, halved
Salt and pepper
olive oil
1 c. vegetable stock
chives, for garnish
Creme fraiche or sour cream, optional

I guess it was nice to enjoy it on the patio with a tank and flip-flops, instead of inside with no fresh air. Wherever you are, I hope you enjoy it!
New! Just added these playlists so you can rock out to it too…if you feel like it.

Matthew West Pandora Station

For a mother, it is a wonderful thing to have your kids growing up healthy and strong. The problem is just the growing up part. Until I was a mom, I never really knew what it was like to have emotions pulling you in 2 good directions. I’m excited about what my kids are going to do when they get older but I love them so much as they are now. I try to remind myself that I always love them “now”. I loved my daughter “now” when she was a feisty baby with places to go and I love her now as a feisty 6 year-old with places to go. My little buddy is the kind of boy who has me constantly back and forth about appreciating the now because he is a lot to handle right now. I pray for peace from this child every day. My ice cream supply is diminishing because he has woken up every day in the middle of the night to get a piece of it. Oh man, this is a new one for me. How do you stop a kid from waking up every night to get into something? I am installing something I could have never imagine…a refrigerator lock. This is just a tiny part.
Wow. I got sidetracked from this little guy’s birthday. Well, he is constantly surprising us and we are truly excited to see what he becomes, hopefully with less of my ice cream.

This is my little guy at 1.5 months old…sniff sniff. I made this shirt as his announcement which just started out of laziness. I had made my other 2 kids announcements with extreme care so I knew I needed to do something special but requiring less time. I’m not a huge fan of the drug store/Costco picture cards. I had used iron-on transfers a lot in the past but I don’t like the fact that they last 1 day. Seems to me that painting it myself would be better. Enter: Sharpie. It got the job done and it hasn’t faded a bit. Now all I had to do was take a picture and mail it! I thought I was going to be disappointed but I ended up loving it. Just goes to show, go where your creativity leads you and you might land in a better place than you expected.

I made what was requested: Pancakes and waffles. He takes pictures like this a lot. You know, he stares into the lens with his baby blues and just radiates cuteness. He’s cute trouble…but cute still.

We made letter pancakes because when are they not special, right? I ended up with a stack of m’s for “mommy” because they were the most fun to make.

Since bread products for a whole meal are never a great idea, I decided to make sweet potato waffles.
Sweet potato waffles
(adapted from Alton Brown’s recipe)
- 1 c. sweet potato puree
- 2 c. flour
- 1 T baking powder
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 6 egg whites, room temp.
- 1 1/2 c. milk
- 1/4 c. brown sugar
- 1/4 c. butter, melted
- 1/2 T. orange zest
Whisk together flour, baking powder, and salt in one bowl.
In another bowl, mix the sweet potatoes, milk, brown sugar, butter, and orange zest. Make a well in the center of the flour mixture and add the wet ingredients until combined. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Add the egg whites into the sweet potato mixture a 1/3 at a time. It will be thick! Set up your waffle maker and go!

Then, he played in a box.

Played in his new helmet.

Played a little Lego.

Happy Birthday, little buddy!

Judy Garland’s “The Trolley Song” was what was playing the first time I went across this beloved California bridge. I was on my honeymoon and it was as great of a drive as you could script in any movie. My new husband’s smile is still fresh in my mind. It was just a lovely day. This time around, my love got to finally drive a convertible over the bridge. I didn’t realize at the time that this car would mean crazy awesome bridge photos. I have 100’s of photos from our many trips across this bridge, but it’s really hard to get photos without people and/or cars in them. I had to narrow it down to these few but I love them.

All to common mirror shot but it felt right here.

The tunnel on the way out of San Fran. What’s with the rainbows?

Any time I notice an art deco building , I must snap a picture of it. Cute, right?

We urbanspoon’ed a place called the Pig and Whistle. I saw it was an English gastropub and had many beers on tap so we knew it was calling for us. When we were in England for a week, we ate at a crazy amount of these kinds of pubs and we miss them terribly. The food was super yummy and familiar, with a twist. I had lobster bisque (one of my favorites!) which was amazing. I had it with an English pear cider, a chicken club sandwich and a split order of sweet potato fries. My man had a burger with house made tater tots. This man had a deep love of those little potato nuggets until his wife came along who doesn’t typically shop in the freezer department, with the exception of ice cream and peas. They were pretty terrific.

I loved this frame with the keys in it. It reminded me of this idea on pinterest.

The first date night we had in town was relaxing, full of laughing and jokes, and ridiculously tasty. We went to RN74 which I was really looking forward to. It gives San Diego’s favorite, Searsucker, a run for their money. The vibe was similar and the prices were the same, but the food was just so good. I would be a regular at this place if I lived in SF! I won’t show every picture because I took them with my phone, but it was so delicious to not share.

Right off the bat I knew we were going to be friends because of these lights. Also, our waitress told me she liked my hair and my whole “look” which always makes a person feel special and at home. So sweet.

Besides the lanterns, the wine list was on an overhead board presented as a train schedule. The coolest part was that the one in this picture would move/flip every hour, just like it would do at the station. So cool.

Oysters. The 2 from PEI were so creamy and had just the right amount of fresh saltwater taste. It was such a cute touch to place it on a bed of seaweed.

Beet and hearts of palm salad. He’s pointing to his tie because he rarely goes a meal in a tie without getting a spot on it. Seriously.

We love to go to shows whenever we can. We make it to a few every year, but nothing is as good as going whilst visiting a bustling city. Theaters’ in big cities are usually enveloped with history and beauty which always makes it feel more special. This theater was where we should have seen the original production of Wicked. We were on our honeymoon, now over 8 years ago and it was SOLD OUT. I was so bummed that day but my wonderful husband has since taken me a few times so it seems to have worked out alright after all. We now found ourselves back at the same theater to see “Billy Elliot”, another show that has been on my list a long time. The boys’ in this show were just incredible and easy to listen to, even with thick Irish accents. Plus, my husband really liked this one so that makes it more fun :).

Some Orpheum Theater beauty.

One place on my list this time was the Tartine bakery. I have wanted to visit here for a few years but it is so out-of-the-way, we’ve never made it. I LOVE their cookbook so very much. The line was long, but it was worth it. My husband ordered a quiche and a pressed sandwich. I ordered 3 things as I often do at bakeries I am visiting. First, a double pain au chocolat or to the rest of us, chocolate croissant; the most delicious one I have ever had. The kind where the chocolate tastes like chocolate actually should and not a super-sweet and milky replacement for it. For the second, I had a lemon bar (one of my favs, which is why I make these). Sometimes I find an even better way to make them at home by trying them from my favorite bakeries. Third, I had a frangipane tart with blueberries. Just lovely things. I’m thankful to have visited that adorable, fabulous, yet unpretentious little bakery.

Next, we headed for the Coit tower. It was crowded with no parking, so we left. Looks inviting though, right?

Lombard Street loveliness. I thank the lovely people who live here for their care of these flowers for everyone to enjoy.

Why I don’t ride on the street cars.


Stopped by a weird exhibit at Fisherman’s wharf. It was filled with vintage pinball, candy, and game machines.

Thank you San Francisco for another lovely times. I’ll be back soon.

I’m super excited about this post. Did you ever make something and it turned out ridiculously better than you expected. Yup, that’s this one. These were so good I actually ate some pieces of my little guys, which he for some reason didn’t eat. I don’t do that normally. I think the other reason I enjoyed this was because the man of my dreams took our enthusiastic little hiking boys out into nature for a bit. It was pretty peaceful and Miss F and I really felt like baking.

First turn on some awesome music. Really…just do it.
Whisk the flour, sugar and salt, and combine those with the butter using a hand blender or a food processor. You want it combined to the point that you have pea-sized pieces. I had a 6-year-old doing most of the blending so she got as close as she could, shown above. Over-mixing will result in less flaky crust so err on the side of less blending.

Mix the milk and eggs with the flour/butter mixture until just combined. Then divide the dough in half. One half will be for the top and one for the bottom of the pop-tart.

Roll the dough out (about 1/8 inch thick) to about the size of a 13×9 pan. Your goal is to make 9 3″x4″ rectangles. Repeat with the other half of the dough.

Brush the dough with the beaten egg.

I let my sweet girl pick the flavors so she picked cherry preserves and nutella. Love her.
Other options:
Pumpkin filling from a can or homemade
cinnamon and sugar
goat cheese, lemon zest, and thyme
other jams/preserves like this one
melted chocolate chips
onion jam
cooked meat (ode to the British Isles)
sun-dried tomatoes and feta
You can pretty much put whatever you want as a filling, sweet or savory. We were making these for dessert, so we chose sweet. When I make these again, I will throw some onion jam in…for sure. Just make sure, whatever it is, that you leave a 1/2 inch space along each side to close it off. You will see in the next photos that I overfilled mine, but I knew I would prefer them on the messy side to eating a mouthful of pastry with no filling. You get me? :)

Once filled you can place the cut out tops on. Press down the sides with a fork and poke with a few holes so they don’t puff up too much. Bake at 350 for 25 minutes or until slightly browned

Since we were making these for dessert, I made up a little glaze with 1/2 c. powdered sugar and about 1 T. of milk. Add the milk in gradually, as it doesn’t take a lot to make it thinned. I tossed in a little vanilla bean paste (1/2 tsp) simply because I’ve been obsessed with it for the last year. My love hasn’t faded for it yet. Get it here. I will change the life of your baking.

Drizzle after the pop-tarts have cooled.
(adapted from King Arthur Flour)
2 cups flour
1 T. sugar
1 tsp. salt
1 cup unsalted butter, cut into pats
1 large egg
2 T. milk
1 egg, to brush pastry
1/2 c. powdered sugar
1 T. milk
1/2 tsp. vanilla bean paste

There were more licking fingers than I could handle at this point.
Enjoy making these. I really did. If the weather is cool and you turn some Ray Lamontagne on, you might enjoy it more.