We are gearing up for school around here. I have been slowly cleaning out every area of my house to get a fresh start. I don’t want anything hanging over my head when I start teaching my baby-girl mid-August. I know I will have less time for projects and for doing my crazy organizing of thing constantly, but I’m excited! I am learning from myself in the past and getting a jump on it now. I know we will have a blast and now that I’m mostly done with my lessons plans, I’m not quite sure why kids go to school for 8 hours. This was one of those things that bothered me during the school year when I sent my baby girl to school for the whole day and only saw her for a few hours. Even in those few hours, she was exhausted. I’ve been doing a lot of reading about Charlotte Mason’s methods over the last few years and am really pumped to open up the eyes of my wee ones to the wonders of God in every day life…math and writing included! I’m even more pumped that they aren’t confined to a desk and they can learn the way they were meant to…through experience. Plus, they can learn the ay that is best for just them and not the way an entire class full of kids does. Hooray!
Today, I went on a date with my sweet girl to get her school supplies! I love walking into Target and seeing the organized rows of supplies. Huge breath in…and…enjoy (think Meg Ryan in “You’ve Got Mail” about her “bouquet of sharpened pencils”). I just love Target in the Fall…er…summer (thank you year-round schools!). It made me think of how much I loved getting my annual see-through binder to then later stuff with pictures/stuff and my row of Ticonderoga pencils. My mom was reminding me of my Hello Kitty trashcan I used to have on my desk in elementary school. Awesome. I saw a little red metal one and I REALLY wanted it. Would that be weird?
Either way, I made a summer drink to keep your summer going…ready for school?
This drink is a perfect summer drink because it’s super simple to mix up for friends and uses white wine which is usually always open, right?
Elderflower Refresher
(adapted from Mix Shake Stir)
3 oz white wine
1 oz Elderflower Liqueur
1 oz limoncello
soda water to fill glass
mint for garnish
Add all ingredients to glass of ice and add mint.
Sit down, turn some awesome music on, and enjoy whoever is next to you.