You asked how my new recipe went last week so here are the results…LOVE IT!
Burt’s Bees. Some of us have used it since high school or even before. It was a staple in our purses and pockets. Then those meanies went and changed the recipe and the formula just never felt that same smooth and super tingly way again. Did that happen to you too? Last year I tried a few copycat recipes with no success. One was too hard. One was too soft. They both had no peppermint zing to them AT ALL. Minty lip balm…maybe? Burt’s Bees wannabee? Nope.
I know that it’s not possible to claim an exact replica because I’d have to have a lab and well, I just have a kitchen with a sleeping pug in it. This is the closest I’ve come to a matched recipe and I’m super happy with it. I’d love to hear your feedback to help us all get closer to a lip balm that has only a couple of pure, whole ingredients and is SUPER easy to make in bulk or as a gift! The ingredients on the Burt’s Bees chap-stick state that they use sunflower oil, but I opted for the more nourishing jojoba oil. I use round metal tins from Specialty Bottle or sliding ones from SKS Bottle instead of filling plastic tubes because we try to be a plastic-free household. The round tins were only 42 cents! Sticking your finger in a tin isn’t as easy, but you can actually apply this balm to most areas of your body, so the tin is actually quite handy!
One of the MANY reasons I love making my own body care products is getting to choose my own scents and healing options with essential oils. I have used essential oils for a long time but I am CONSTANTLY finding new ways to incorporate them. If you have been curious about how essential oils can improve your health or maybe just provide you with pure and natural scent options, PLEASE see my friend Lynsey’s wellness page on IG here to see practical ways they can help or go buy an essential oil starter kit from her here. That kit is a great option if you want to take the next step to improve your health. You will NOT regret it, friends. End soapbox. haha
If you’ve never made lip balm, it’s SO EASY! You just…
measure and melt!
Homemade Peppermint Lip Balm
(Burt’s Bees copycat)
3 Tablespoons beeswax, chopped off the whole block with a knife
3 Tablespoons organic coconut oil
2 tablespoons jojoba oil
1/2 teaspoon lanolin
several drops vitamin E oil, optional
60 drops organic peppermint essential oil
10 drops organic rosemary essential oil
raw honey, optional (add a touch at the end for some sweetness)
beet powder, optional
Metal tins (I got my round ones here and my sliding ones here)
Labels (I used these Rifle Paper Company stickers…my sister’s idea ;))
Melt all of the ingredients (except the essential oils and beet powder) over medium heat in a double-boiler (or heat-safe bowl on top of a small saucepan with 1/2 inch of water in the pan). When all of the ingredients are melted, turn off the heat, then add the essential oils. 60 drops totally sounds like a lot, but if you want that Burt’s tingle, you need to use all 60 or even more if you dare! To test the strength of the mint or the feel of the balm, let a little dab dry on your counter (tastes 10 seconds!) and take it for a test drive. Pour the mixture into tins, using a measuring cup, until they are almost full. Let them set overnight, but they really only take about an hour to cool all the way.
For color: If you desire color, add about 3 Tablespoons of beet powder to your mixture. If you desire more color, add more beet powder. It will seem like you’re adding a lot of powder but let me assure you…it won’t taste like beets and the color doesn’t saturate as well as you’d think! ;) The powder doesn’t fully dissolve, so you are left with small grains of beet, but if you are truly desiring NATURAL color, this is the only way to go that I’m aware of.
Methods/Ingredients I see in a LOT of recipes that haven’t worked for me…so far:
Extra lanolin. Dude…this stuff tastes bad so too much is no.bueno. It might keep winter dryness away but you’ll lose your taste buds in the process. Ick.
Shea Butter. Tried it a few times and didn’t like that it makes the balm less smooth. Who wants a sticky lip balm? I thought so. I’ve tried using only a little, but at that point it just becomes an extra ingredient so why bother.
Beeswax that doesn’t smell like honey. I mean…that just doesn’t make sense.
Less ingredients. I’ve tried recipes with less ingredients but the consistency is not what I look for in a balm…too goop-y.
Large quantities at a time. Before you make 75 tins of lip balm, make half or even a quarter of the recipe so you can see if it works for you. Not all lips are created equal. Just sayin’.
Adding lipstick for tint. Natural lip balm becomes unnatural when you add lipstick. I don’t understand why people do that.
Have fun and enjoy!

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