Make: A Succulent Teacup Planter



Last year after Christmas, I told myself to find something simple yet wonderful to make for my friends the next year.  I get caught up in so many projects and commitments, sometimes I end up leaving less room for the fun handmade Christmas presents I love so much.  My schedule has changed a lot the last two Christmas seasons with my attention turning towards homeschooling.  I am enjoying this school year so much but when vacations comes around, I am in much need of rest and time to finish projects…and go to seemingly endless rehearsals and performances for the Nutcracker.  I wanted a gift that would be easy, fun, inexpensive (although, good friends are always deserving of the best!), and beautiful.

I feel really good about these succulent planters.

Succulents are perfect for everyone because they look great and SUPER EASY to take care of as they need minimal care and water once established. Perfect for friends, your mother-in-law or mom,  the neighbors, or the UPS driver.

I started looking around estate sales and thrift stores for good English china to plant succulents in a few months ago.  I noticed that the Japanese and Chinese tea cups were always more.  How nice that the one I was looking for was actually less.  Yay, for me!  I got mine ranging from $.25 to $6.  If I was in love with the cup, I would buy it for $6, but usually not.  You could buy new ones as well.  A special monogram mug from Anthropologie is always a good idea for $8.


Required materials:

tea cup




Basically, I took the teacup, glued the bottom of the cup to the saucer (optional), filled it with soil, and added succulent clippings.  They survive for long periods of time with limited water, but make sure to keep the soil moist while they are developing roots.  If you have time, place the clippings in water, wait for the roots to form, then add them to the soil.  I’ve been propagating them for a few months now from my own yard.  It would be super easy for you to find a neighbor with overgrown neighborhoods (think retro 70’s neighborhoods where they will be prevalent, like mine).  I saw some down the street from me and will definitely ask them in the future since it’s a variety I don’t have.

That means they’d be FREE!


If you liked what you see, stick around and find me on:

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13 comments to Make: A Succulent Teacup Planter

  • Lidy

    I LOVE this! My Oma does this with her succulents, so it brings a lot of warm memories back to mind :) It’s absolutely lovely and I think I might just have to do this little project one of these days. Thanks for the inspiration!


  • W L Sheffield

    I love this too!. Can you tell me where you got your succulents? I live in New York State and have only been able to find West Coast suppliers. I would like 100 or so for a wedding.

    • W L Sheffield

      Changed email address

      • Tre

        Etsy! just search up succulent and youll have tons of options, or you can try amazon I think.

      • Bon

        I’m unsure about where you could buy them where they won’t cost a lot on the East Coast. I live on the West Coast so I can actually take clippings from my own plants and neighbors plants to grow more succulents. Here you can buy succulents at 7-11, they are so common. Wish I could help! :/

    • Leslie

      I would try your local Lowe’s if you have one. That’s where I get all of mine… Granted, I’m in FL, but at least that’s on the east coast, right?

  • Veronica

    This is such a cute idea, I’d like to make one (or seven) for my mom, she really loves gardening. Is there any problem with drainage or is it okay for succulents to be planted in containers without it?

    • Bon

      I haven’t had a any problems with drainage as long as a water at a steady pace. If you anted to, you could use a diamond drill bit and put a hole in. ;)

  • Jessica

    You need to leave the cutting or leaf alone for a day or so to let it heal at the bottom, before planting. I can leave jade leave or petals from hens & chicks and they will sprout roots just laying on a plate. Then they get a good start in the dirt. I worry they will rot in water, as has been my experience.

    • Bon

      You’re totally right on the hardening off, Jessica. I have done it that way and also in the water…both have been successful. I’ve never had a problem with rotting but that kind of thing could change if you live in a different climate than SoCal ;)

  • Rose

    I live in the southwest and picked up my plants cheaply at Lowes. But you may also try your botanical garden. That maybe a little more expensive, but then you will have your own clippings

  • Dawn

    But I have read succulents need the soil to drain well. There is no mention of holes in the teacup. Why? Is there pebbles in the bottom? More detail would be nice.

    • Bon

      Hi Dawn! Since this is a small planter, the drainage is not as necessary. You could use a diamond drill bit to create a hole, but I wouldn’t risk it for a piece of small china. I have small planters all around my home with no drainage and they are just fine. ;)