How I get stuff done


However good or bad they are, we all have our own systems that we use to get stuff done.  By no means do I think I have mastered the art of efficiency, but I’m trying!

My friend Deborah, from My life at Playtime, asked me a few questions for her series, “New To Me Blogs”.

The questions relate to efficiency or getting things done.

Go check them out here on her blog!

Thanks for having me, Deborah!

3 comments to How I get stuff done

  • Jane Rhodes

    hey Bonnie. We met at Alt., and I was just checking in on your blog. I am now wanting to make every cocktail you’ve posted! yum! i hope all is well, xo.

  • Hey there! What a beautiful blog you have. Your pictures are just gorgeous. I pinned your Nutella-heart recipe to my Pinterest board (cheap recipes for a baby shower). Anyway, just wanted to say hey and love your stuff!