I have definitely been guilty of being too irritated by the amount of laws we have in our country regulating everything (it seems) in our lives. Thomas Jefferson’s words are an awesome reminder to me that there are many who have lost homes, land, and even their own lives because they do NOT have these laws. We live in a land of plenty. There is even hope that something even better is on the horizon, because we have the ability to change things with our words, our votes, and our prayers. I think those who are suffering in a country with no freedoms always have prayer, but where would OUR faith be if we were in their shoes (or lack thereof) and weren’t allowed to pray?
We had a very lovely 4th of July yesterday. I love being in groups where there are many different conversations. Some are serious and life-changing while others are humorous or the kind you tweak your head at as you walk by. All are good and necessary for any group of friends. I love people who will hug you even though they just met you that day. I love people who feel comfortable enough to knit at a party. I love having babies around again, that are not my own to wake me up in the middle of the night…and that I don’t have to run upstairs to breastfeed them mid-party anymore.
I’m thankful for…
Sweet little girls. Isn’t she absolute cuteness?
A boy who shared pool toys he wouldn’t dream of sharing with his siblings.
A cute little baby to watch.
She liked my necklace. Time will tell if she likes the lady wearing it.
A new patio set and friends to break it in.
New friends and also people who give Leonard the pug love.
A yard to play baseball in.
Great storytellers.
Blueberry and strawberry mojitos to sip by the fire.
A full tummy.
The only shot of food I got. Key Lime pie.
I hope you were able to reflect on the freedoms you are thankful for and that you still get goosebumps too when you hear the “Star Spangled Banner”.
Happy 235, America!