What so many of you have been waiting for…

It’s jam time!

My little knucklehead helpers.

I’m making it with a friend next week who has never made it so I’m super excited!

Remember that pillowcase?

I almost forgot to show you what I made out of this vintage pillowcase.  I was going to make a dress and was all set up when I realized the pillowcase was going to be too short for a dress…like WAY short.   Ugh.  I was finally going to make one and I was too late.  Instead, I made something way less cool and just plain practical.  It’s a  bed frame cover for my little guy.  He falls out of bed constantly so I knew it was time.

It turned out, the pillowcase was just the right size.  Trust me, I’ve been sewing a long time and this kind of thing rarely happens.

I just trimmed the end off, finished the ends, and used it for the piece that holds onto the bar.

I just finished it by adding some horizontal stitches for the bars.

No more 2 am wake-ups…at least not for the little bean falling out of bed :) Easy Peasy.

Sit down and stay a while

Just wanted to give a shout out to everyone who just started coming to my little space here. Welcome and I hope you stay a while!

I am super excited about helping people learn to do things they’ve never done before.  I meet so many women (and a few men too)  who are aching to learn how to cook and just need that little shove to get themselves going.  So, consider this my little shove :)  I’ve seen friends and even strangers, through the catering I’ve done, change their eating habits and try new things that they are uncomfortable with, only to find they love them!  I made turkey burgers for a big BBQ crowd in Vegas and had one lady tell me months later that her family started eating turkey meat in so many dishes.  Their son was apparently hard to please in the food department and ended up loving the turkey burgers and then eventually turkey meat in general.  How awesome is that?  I’ve seen carnivores enjoy vegetarian soups and being satisfied when finished. I love to see people make such good changes!  I knew then that there had to be more people who desperately want to feed their families good food but don’t know how, especially with the convenience of takeout food.

So, this brings me to my plan…

I’m going to be starting this series soon about how to make a healthier version of some of your very favorite foods.  It’s gonna be awesome!  I’ll have a button so you can put it on your own blog or website.

One question I get a lot is about how to bring the kiddos in the kitchen.  I’m going to have a little sticker tucked all over like below to give you ideas on how to get the munchkins involved.

Your job: ideas! 

Let me know what you want to learn how to make so you don’t have to feel guilty anymore about eating the trashy version.  No, I can’t find a way to make sodas healthier but I can suggest a lovely seltzer with crushed fruit and a handful of calories instead.  I could also suggest my favorite drink, ice water, but I’m afraid that would leave me with unhappy readers.  You get the picture.

Here are some of the Junk Food Remade recipes so far:

What’s on your list?

Vintage Crate Succulent Planter

I have mentioned before that I LOVE old things.  The term that is popular right now is “vintage” which sounds cool and everything but before it became “vintage” and therefore popular, it was just something old to be tossed aside.  Junk is popular again…wha?  I’m sure this will fade in time but right now I am enjoying people noticing things in my house which are “vintage” (but have been there all along).  I even have friends who never liked or purchased said old things before, that are falling in love with thrifting and hunting for good finds.  It’s fun.

Along with popularity in any area, comes higher cost.  I have been searching for many items for years that suddenly got popular and are now almost impossible to find (I say almost because I’ve been doing this awhile and know I can find them :))  I did manage to swipe a few of these crates for $5 a piece which is pretty good these days.  Most are more like $25 on Etsy and other sites.  Exciting, right?

So, I set out to make this planter concept which I originally saw at the San Diego County Fair a few years ago.  When I saw it, the concept of succulents and drought tolerant plants was just gaining popularity.  I have to admit, they are not my favorite kinds of plants, but are great for low maintenance planting.  I do wish they were prettier, but…what are you going to do?  So, I embraced them. The only thing to note about planting in this type of container, is proper moisture control.  You can add spanish moss to avoid mold or damaging your crate.  Otherwise, you should have no problems.

Enjoy with a loved one and a sunset!

“Black and Blue”

I am loving these fruit drinks this summer, especially since fruit in our garden is abundant!  We’ve been super busy lately with end of  school things so, I have particularly enjoyed winding down with a drink like this.  It has just the right amount of rum for a mama of 3, while still not going over the top :)  These fruit drinks are also really easy to make for groups or dinner company.

“Black and Blue”

  • 4 Blackberries
  • 15 Blueberries
  • 1 oz lemon juice
  • 1 sprig of mint
  • 1 1/2 oz simple syrup
  • 2 1/2 oz white rum
  • ice to fill shaker

Muddle the berries and mint together with the lemon juice.  Add the simple syrup, rum, and ice.  Shake for a minute, pour over a few more pieces of ice, and enjoy!


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